
Grameenphone Social Internet Packs 1 day, 7 days,14 days & 28 days

Ik Media group Ltd
G Grameenphone(GP) launched New Social Pack 1day,7days,14days, 28days validity.. G under this offer.  GCustomers can enjoy Facebook, Messenger and ComoYo from these packs

  •  G Facebook 1 Day Social Pack 
- G 20MB@1tk (1 day validity).
-G  Volume : Facebook, Messenger, ComoYo
- G Activation Process : Dial *5000*19#
- G Usage Check : To check Internet Balance dial *567#
- G Valid For : Prepaid

  • G Facebook 7 Day Social Pack
- G 75MB@5tk (7 days validity).
- G Volume : Facebook, Messenger, ComoYo
- G Activation Process : Dial *5000*20#
- G Usage Check : To check Internet Balance dial *567#
- G Valid For : Prepaid

  • G Facebook 14 Days Social Pack
- G 150MB@9tk (14 day validity).
- G Volume :  Facebook, Messenger, ComoYo
-G  Activation Process : Dial *5000*21#
- G Usage Check : To check Internet Balance dial *567#
- G Valid For : Prepaid

  • G Facebook 28 Days Social Pack
- G 300MB@15tk (28 day validity).
-G  Volume : Facebook, Messenger, ComoYo
- G Activation Process : Dial *5000*22#
- G Usage Check : To check Internet Balance dial *567#
- G Valid For : Prepaid

Terms and Conditions: G
  • G Customers need to access the aforementioned utilities through regular Facebook &  Facebook Messenger applications (Java, iOS, Android), through the mobile site (m.facebook.com), www.facebook.com & Comoyo applications.
  • G Customers accessing these utilities through any proxy based browsers will be charged at the rate of BDT 0.01/10 KB rate
  • G Customers can be access facebook.com, Facebook Messenger, & Comoyo through the social packs.
  • G Usage outside of facebook.com, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp & comoYo will be charged at the rate of 0.01 Taka /10KB. Extra usage fee will be capped at 200 Taka
  • G Customers under 3G coverage will get up to 1 Mbps speed for all packages except otherwise mentioned
  • G Once customers’ reach the FUP limit, the speed will be throttled to 128 kbps
  • G Auto-renewal applicable. To stop auto-renewal, SMS OFF to 5000 (SMS charge is not G applicable)
  • G 3% Supplementary Duty (SD) +15 % VAT will be applicable on the package prices
  • G dial 121 for further customer support

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