
How to Add Adsense Ads After First Post On Blogger Homepage

Ik Media group Ltd Displaying Adsense or other ads on blogger is as simple as adding it to WordPress or other blogging platforms. You just copy and paste the code on to the template. But adding it precisely where and how you wan't it can sometimes be tricky and may not display as desired. This is exactly where blogger conditional tags come in handy. They provide us better control over our widgets and other elements.

Among the several conditional tags available for blogger, one is specifically written to target the first post - a good position for displaying ads. And here's how you too can insert Adsense after the first post on your blogger blog:

The Steps:

  1. Login to Blogger Dashboard
  2. Go to Template > Edit HTML
  3. Find this line of code in your template
  4. <b:include data="post" name="post">
  5. Add the following code just below the code above
  6. <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>

    ---- Replace this line with your Adsense Code -----

  7. Finally grab a suitable Adsense unit, parse it and add it to the code above

That's it. You can now monitor the newly added ad unit for clicks.

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