
Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.24 Bom Update Nokia 216 support and NaviManager

Ik Media group Ltd
Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.24 Bom Update Nokia 216 support and NaviManager

Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.24 - Nokia 216 support and NaviManager Bom update

Best Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.24 - Nokia 216 support and NaviManager Bom update

Bset Nokia 216 (RM-1187,R M-1188) support activated
1:- Identify
2- Format FS
3- UserCode reset ( without data lost )
4- Write firmare ( Complete / LangPack change / Repair mode )
5- RPL operations: Read/Write/Repair/ResetLifeTimer
6- Dump full flash
7- Extract Phonebook
8- SelfTest

Infinity Nokia BEST now cover all exisitng MTK phones ( 27 models in total )

1- FlashLoader package updated
2- MTKx 626x flash engine updated

3- Service operations improved
Nokai MTKx: Improved "Security Repair" feature
Nokia MTKx: Improved RPL operations

Infinity- NaviManager updated
Bset Nokia 216 ( RM-1187, MTKx ) included in NaviBase
Best Nokia 216 ( RM-1188, MTKx ) included in NaviBase

                                   Download Here
                                   Download Here 2
                                  Download Here 3 


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