
How To speed Up Your WiFi router Best 10 Tips

Ik Media group Ltd

Dear Friends If you use WiFi Internet? ILet.Friends Well what are the benefits of WiFi net access?F Low price with amazing speed. F And inconvenience?  F Net timeThat 's the power line using the line.F Once again, there is no news. However, F I would sayBest broadband. F At least your Internet ServiceProvider is a man of peace, but F netBe able to run.F Now come right to the point. do you know,How do you use your WiFi routerAnd use it to his advantage morePossible. How?F
# 1 F Put on your router firmware updateAlways use a router to update. Is that a lot of time,Your Internet Service Providers who wishYou will set your own router. F Which then goThey can be a G nuisance. F So you buy the routerHis wish to hear the views.
# F The advantage of placing the father of the place See routerRouter to F establish a place whereAlmost all housed in the same signal can reach.F
# 3 F Use a strong password arrivingThat is not how it sounds? F Aw,F  what the password againThe payroll? That,F  because when you have a tough paktaWhen using a password,  F nd No one outside will not be able to use your net line.Secure plus net services.F
# 4 F WiFi channelsAlways use the Wi-Fi channel.F  MostService Provider that uses the .4 F GHzPerfect for may not be.F
# 5  F Put to disconnect older F devicesThat means that, F when they do not use any deviceKeep it to disconnect from the Wi-Fi router.F
# 6 F Ping TestDuring the regular Internet via ping testsYou can test the speed, and for this siteHave to go-www.pingtest.net/ F
# 7 F ristartaYou'll see a lot of the time is on your routerHang up. F The speed and the sudden disappearance or net linesIm said. Just then, F do not worryOnce at the router on and off or restart.F
F Using multiple routers
# 8 F Is that a lot of time, a lot of space on your floorThe router that you are buying misfortune took placeNot being able to cover the floor,F causing your net speedIs much less. F Another great look for a new jobNow another router or F buy a router that housed smallSet another corner.F
# 9 F from the signal device rakhaNote that some common electronic devices housed inJegula are using exactly the same .F 4 GHz. For example,F TV, kadalesa phones, microwave ovens, etc.  F MoreIf you're close to the router in the same device placedTheHowever, the router has its own signal in the usual wayObstacle to be seized.F
# 10 F FentenaDepending on needs, F including antenna, F tryBuy a router. And if  F you want the old routerThe new large antenna or antenna to F improveYou can sew. F It's the guys closest toThe router will talk to the rest of the F shops.OK Do you have a similar problem? F However, F while the How to get rid of? Who you knowDo you have any idea what it would be aplai?  F Your Do not share intelligence on our tiumenta box.F If you have any comments or suggestions box also tiumentacan give. F We welcome your comments on theTry to tune based.

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