Dear Friends If you use WiFi Internet? ILet.Friends Well what are the benefits of WiFi net access?F Low price with amazing speed. F And inconvenience? F Net timeThat 's the power line using the line.F Once again, there is no news. However, F I would sayBest broadband. F At least your Internet ServiceProvider is a man of peace, but F netBe able to run.F Now come right to the point. do you know,How do you use your WiFi routerAnd use it to his advantage morePossible. How?F
# 1 F Put on your router firmware updateAlways use a router to update. Is that a lot of time,Your Internet Service Providers who wishYou will set your own router. F Which then goThey can be a G nuisance. F So you buy the routerHis wish to hear the views.
# F The advantage of placing the father of the place See routerRouter to F establish a place whereAlmost all housed in the same signal can reach.F
# 3 F Use a strong password arrivingThat is not how it sounds? F Aw,F what the password againThe payroll? That,F because when you have a tough paktaWhen using a password, F nd No one outside will not be able to use your net line.Secure plus net services.F
# 4 F WiFi channelsAlways use the Wi-Fi channel.F MostService Provider that uses the .4 F GHzPerfect for may not be.F
# 5 F Put to disconnect older F devicesThat means that, F when they do not use any deviceKeep it to disconnect from the Wi-Fi router.F
# 6 F Ping TestDuring the regular Internet via ping testsYou can test the speed, and for this siteHave to F
# 7 F ristartaYou'll see a lot of the time is on your routerHang up. F The speed and the sudden disappearance or net linesIm said. Just then, F do not worryOnce at the router on and off or restart.F
F Using multiple routers
# 8 F Is that a lot of time, a lot of space on your floorThe router that you are buying misfortune took placeNot being able to cover the floor,F causing your net speedIs much less. F Another great look for a new jobNow another router or F buy a router that housed smallSet another corner.F
# 9 F from the signal device rakhaNote that some common electronic devices housed inJegula are using exactly the same .F 4 GHz. For example,F TV, kadalesa phones, microwave ovens, etc. F MoreIf you're close to the router in the same device placedTheHowever, the router has its own signal in the usual wayObstacle to be seized.F
# 10 F FentenaDepending on needs, F including antenna, F tryBuy a router. And if F you want the old routerThe new large antenna or antenna to F improveYou can sew. F It's the guys closest toThe router will talk to the rest of the F shops.OK Do you have a similar problem? F However, F while the How to get rid of? Who you knowDo you have any idea what it would be aplai? F Your Do not share intelligence on our tiumenta box.F If you have any comments or suggestions box also tiumentacan give. F We welcome your comments on theTry to tune based.
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