
How To Use Dual Whatsapp Account On Android phone 2016

Ik Media group Ltd

Dear Friends Method 1:- Dual Whatsapp By Using WhatsMapp 2016

Dear friends WhatsMapp solo is an Amazing App. Friends Now using this App we can Easily create another Whatsapp account on the single Android device. Friends its provide custom icons, F Status bar color changing in Lollipop version. Friends Its one of the important feature is it is a antiban App.
Dual Whatsapp account By Using WhatsMapp 2016

Dear Friends How To Create Account On WhatsMapp 2016

1. Friends First Friends you have to download this App and install into your Android phone. Now you can download it from the button shown below.

Download Here Now Click Here

2. Friends Follow the same steps as you follow to make a whatsapp account. Now Don't use the same number to create an account.

3.Friends If you face some problem then you should backup and remove the original whatsapp and after that install this App.

Now Method 2:- Friends Dual Whatsapp By Using OG WhatsApp

Dear Friends Dual Whatsapp By Using OG WhatsApp 2016

Now Show Steps To Create Account On OGWhatsapp

1. Dear Friends First you have to F backup your chats from the Whatsapp settings. Now You have to go to WhatsApp settings >> chat settings >> Back Up chats.
Dual whatsapp ogwhatsapp chat settings.
2. Friends After that you have go to your phone settings >> Apps >> whatsapp and Now click on it and tap the clear data option.
Android app info clear data for dual whatsapp.
3. Friends Now go to your whatsapp folder whether it is located on phone storage and SD card and rename it to OGwhatsApp.

4. Dear Uninstall your original whatsapp.

5. Friends Now you have to download this App and install into your Android phone. Friends you can download it from the button shown below.

Download Here Now Click Here

6. Now Create your Account and enjoy the trick.

7. Now Download original whatsapp create/ restore your old account. Now you have dual Account.

Dear Friends Note:- Now In some devices second method may and may not works then i recommend to try first method.Thanks

Dear Friends So these are the best possible ways to use dual or two whatsapp account on single android device at same time.And  In case you find this trick not working or have any trouble don't forget to share Your Facebook,And Other Site.your precious comment.Thanks

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