
Video Converter Top 6 Best Software For Windows 7, 8 PC - 2015

Ik Media group Ltd

1. Total Video Converter

Total Video converter is one of the best video converters. It is designed for Windows and Mac operating system. It is compatible with all version of Windows. We can convert file or a part of file from one format to another format. We can also play file before conversion. We can mark the starting and ending time of file before converting a clip of large file. We can also convert video files to audio files only. It also support various mobile format. It support various vedio formats including AVI, MOV, MKV, MP4, WMV, ASF, MPEG, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, TIF, AVC. Various mobile formats include Nokia, Sony, Blackberry, iPhone etc.
Total Video Converter for windows pc

2. Handbrake

Handbrake is one of the best video converters which is freely available for you. It is designed for Windows, Mac and Linux. It support different formats including MP4, MKV, MPEG-4, MPEG-2. We can convert it into iPhone, iPad, iPod and another Android formats, 3GP and other mobile formats. We can also converts video to only audio with this converter.
Handbrake for windows pc

3. Format Factory

Format factory is another free video converters for you. It is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8. It support MPG, MP4, MP3, BMP, TIF, WMA, FLV, 3GP and OGG video format. It is available in 65 different languages. It also support iPhone formats etc. It can also repair damage files. We can also convert a batch of files to another format. It also provide shut down option after completing the task.
Format Factory for windows pc

4. Wondershare Video Converter

Wondershare is another popular video convter without any cost. It is compatible with all version of Windows. It s fastest video converter , its speed is 30 X faster than its competitors. It can be used to download videos from many other sites. It can convert AVI, MP4 MKV, MOV, FLV, 3GP , MPEG and many other formats. It also support all mobile formats. We can also play video and see the scenes from which we want to clip a small video clip and also select its end point in term of time.
Wondershare Video Converter for windows pc

5. AVS Media Converter

AVS Media Converter is free video converter which is currently available only for Windows. It is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8. It support video format including AVI, VOB, AVCHD, Blu-Ray, MPEG, FLV, MKV. It also support mobile formats for blackberry, Sony, Apple, Android. We can also share our videos on web using this video converter. We can also set shut down after completion option for PC shut down after completion.
AVS Media Converter for windows pc

6. MPEG StreamClip

MPEG StreamClip is also a free video converter. It is compatible with Windows and Mac operating system. It support input format like MPEG, VOB, PS, AVI, MOV, DV, MMC, REC, VID and many others. It also support all mobile formats. We can also trim, clip and edit and transport videos using MPEG converter. We can also download videos from Google and YouTube by entering the link of video. We can also play videos in this converter.
MPEG StreamClip for windows pc

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