Best 11 New Ways to Speed Up Google Chrome

Ik Media group Ltd

1. Disable Avoidable Extensions d

G Extensions are tools that extend the functionality of the Chrome browser, which are helpful yet some may actually be less helpful G than you think. Extensions mostly run in the background, and parse or filter web pages before they’re displayed on the G screen, but will also load their own pack of data from the Internet.
To get better browsing speeds and G good response times, disable and/or delete extensions you don’t actually need.
To disable extensions you do not need:G
  1. G Type "chrome://extensions" in your Chrome’s location bar. Alternatively, you can go to Chrome’s G Options > More tools > Extensions.
  2. G Untick the Enabled to the extensions you want to disable, or click the Trash icon to delete the extension.

2. G Disable Unnecessary Plugins

G Plugins are much like extensions. They provide G extended functionalities to the browser. F Chrome comes with few built-in plugins provided by Google G (like Chrome PDF Viewer, Native Client, etc.), F and may carry plugins by other software installed in your computer. Plugins, like extensions, F can slow down the browser and clog memory and network resources.G
To disable plugins you do not need:
  1. G Type "chrome://plugins" in your Chrome’s address bar.
  2. G Click Disable to disable the plugin you no longer need.

3. G Remove Unnecessary Web Apps

G Google Chrome is not just a web browser.G  It’s also an application platform for web apps.G  It can run locally-installed web apps written using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. G While web apps don’t load resources like websites do,G  if you don’t need them, shed them.
To remove unnecessary web apps:G  G
  1. G Type "chrome://apps" in your  G Chrome’s address bar or click Apps on the Bookmarks bar
  2. G Right-click the app you want to remove, select Remove from G Chrome…,G and click the Remove button to confirm the removal

4. G Enable Prefetch Resources

G Google Chrome comes with many intelligent features such as network prediction,G spelling correction, resource preloader, etc. G Resource pre-fetcher G or preloader provides intelligent suggestions about the pages or links the user is most likely to open next, G loading those pages/links in the background before you actually open them.G
To enable the prefetch feature in Chrome browser:G
  1. G Head over to Chrome’s Options > Settings > Show advanced settings…
  2. G Check the "Prefetch resources to load pages more quickly" option.

G Enable Secret Hacks

G Google Chrome packs many secret and experimental features under its hood. G These are experiments by the Chrome’s developer team – some may not be built for novice users, some may not work for some G devices, G and some may not be good for your computer too. G
But lucky for us there are some G experiments that are useful enough to boost the browser’s page-loading and rendering engines. G

G Again, some of them may not work for some devices, G and if you find yourself in a situation like this, G just undo the hack to go back to normal.G

5.  G Experimental Canvas Features

 G Experimental Canvas Features allow the Chrome to make use of opaque canvases to amplify the loading G times and boost performance.
 G To enable experimental canvas features:
  1. G Go to "chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-canvas-features".
  2. G Click on Enable and then Relaunch Now button

6. G Fast Tab/Window Close

G The Fast Tab/Window Close option increases the response time of the browser when a user tries to close tabs or windows.G  Enabling this feature runs a tab’s onUnload.js handler independently of the graphical interface and speeds up the closing process.G
G To enable fast tab/window close feature:
  1. G Type "chrome://flags/#enable-fast-unload" in the address bar
  2. G Click on Enable and then Relaunch Now button

7. G Scroll Prediction

G Scroll Prediction feature tells the Chrome G browser to predict the finger’s future position during scrolls G allowing the engine to render the fram G e before the page is scrolled again.
To enable Scroll Prediction:G
  1. G Type "chrome://flags/#enable-scroll-prediction" in the location bar
  2. G Click on Enable and then Relaunch Now.

8. G Maximum Tiles

 G Maximum Tiles refers to the tiles G for interest area. Increasing the maximum number of tiles allows Chrome to show more tiles based on your interests or browsing history, G which allows you to quickly open a new website from the interest area.G
To increase the number Maximum Tiles:G
  1. G Head over to "chrome://flags/#max-tiles-for-interest-area" in your browser
  2. G Choose 512 from the dropdown. Click Relaunch Now.

9. G Raster Threads

G Raster Threads are responsible for rendering images in Chrome G  Increasing the number of raster G threads improves the image rendering time,G and thus influences page loading time.G
To increase the number of raster threads:G
  1. G Open "chrome://flags/#num-raster-threads" in Chrome.
  2. G Select 4 from the dropdown menu and click Relaunch Now.

10. G Answers in Suggest

G The "Answers in Suggest" feature allows Chrome to show G responses to certain types of queries (mostly questions) directly in the G Omnibox’s suggestion list.G  After enabling this feature, you no longer need to wait for the page to load to see G answers for your queries.G
To enable Answers in Suggest:G
  1. G Type "chrome://flags/#answers-in-suggest" in the location bar.
  2. G Select Enabled from the dropdown. Click Relaunch Now button.

11.G  Simple Cache for HTTP

G Simple Cache is the new caching G mechanism for Google Chrome. G It works better than the old caching system, relying on the filesystem for space allocation.G
To enable Simple Cache:G
  1. G Go to "chrome://flags/#enable-simple-cache-backend" in your browser.
  2. G Select Enabled from the dropdown. Click Relaunch Now button.

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