Facebook Graph Search Impacts-2016

Ik Media group Ltd
Facebook recently  F released Graph Search which is a powerful new F way to search for just about anything you can imagine!  F Facebook has a nice introductory page F available which provides videos and information F on Graph Search along with the ability to test F out a search.  However, the really interesting part of the equation is how Facebook F Graph Search will impact Internet marketers.F
The most obvious impact is for F   your Facebook Page.  Properly F  categorizing your Facebook Page is now very FF  important due to Graph Search.  In addition,  F making sure your Page has the correct keywords on it will help make A sure it shows up in the most F relevant Graph Search results.  SEO on Facebook is critical to being shown in Graph Search results.F   Facebook has provided a helpful video about SEO for your Facebook Page.
If you spend any advertising dollars F on Facebook, you will be happy to hear that Graph Search is making Facebook Ad targeting much F more relevant.  How so?  Users are taking the time to be included in Graph Search by filling outF F F  their profiles and their likes.  More A complete user data spells better targeted ads for marketers.
Facebook Graph Search also impacts your  FF SEM efforts.  F If Facebook has no results to display, it pulls in results from Bing.  Is Bing part your Search Engine F Marketing strategy?  In the past many marketers have stuck only with Google for F  SEM but with the power A of Facebook behind them, this is a huge win for Bing! F
Overall, Graph Search looks like it F is poised be a great asset for Internet marketers in many ways.

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