How to Get Google Adsense Approval Tricks 2016

Ik Media group Ltd
G First of all, G you should make your blog ready before applying Adsense. G Fulfill all essential rules G and guides to apply for Adsense. G Here are a few reasons why Google will reject your application.G


 G Before Apply for Adsense you need to check Some Points.
  • G Insufficient content — Your website does not have enough text.
  • G Useless details that site visitors will want to know.
  • G Have copied images from Google image Search.
  • G Domain Type and Age - If you are using blogspot blog it must have a 6 month old. Otherwise, buy a custom domain.
  • G Traffic - Traffic plays a most important role for to get approved ads you must have G around 50+ page-views/day to get approval.
  • G Read Also : On Page SEO Techniques
Tricks to Get Adsense Account Approval G

Nowadays,G  there are slight change in their terms and condition or program policy in Adsense so, you will need a proper guide that will help you prepare your blog. Which works to get approval from Google Adsense. Check these methods that you can easily get approval from Adsense. 
  • Quantity of Post.G
  • Only use best quality images.G
  • Make some unique design.G
  • Don’t copy or paste content.G
  • Avoid writing for any hacking.G
  • Must have Sitemap.xml Page.G
  • Create a robots.txt file in your site.G
  • Avoid any pornographic content.G
  • Use only grammatically strong language.G
  • Need to apply for Google Webmasters Verification.G
  • Domain Must Old At-least 6 Months.G
  • Must have a Privacy Policy, About Us And Contact Us Page.G
In reality getting an Adsense Account Approved is not a difficult. But before applying, G make sure that your blog is fulfill with all the above conditions and policy of Adsense.G  Google is now strict to Adsense approval. If you have done everything correct, G then Google will never reject your application. 

G I hope you’ll get approved by Google after reading this post.G

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