Accept All Facebook Friend Requests At one click 2016

Ik Media group Ltd
Facebook is F one of the biggest F social media platform ever. F We make friends on Facebook and do chat, share thoughts and memories F  through status, images and F videos. Facebook is place where not only we make friends F but many users play games, many developers, marketer, small business are depend on Facebook.F  Just because Facebook is an easiest way to convey message to short period F of time. We can easily F  reach millions of people through pages and groups. I already share my F  thoughts about how to F  increase page likes. But not only through Facebook pages or groups even F  we can reach F as many people through profile. We can make friends and increase followers.  F Even people make Facebook female account to add friends frequently but all need a smart work. F I already explain about how to add all friends to Facebook group on single Click. I know it helps a lot and F save time. So today i am F going to discuss about how to accept all pending friends request at once.F 
Normally if our only  F motive is  to F increase friends on Facebook F. Even we start getting more request as compare F to normal user. So the problem we Facebook to accept them one by one which consume a lot of precious time. So F don't here is method to accept all friend request by single click. F

Method To Accept All Pending Friend Requests F

  • First of all click  F below given link and open  F it into the browser in which you have open your Facebook account.F    F 
  • After opening above given  F link in browser. F All Pending request will visible there. F 
  • Now Click F12 to open console box or even you can open it by doing right through Inspect Element. F 
  • Copy below given code and paste it in console box. It will look like as shown below. F
Accept or confirm all facebook friend request script

javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);

  • After pasting above given code. Press Enter and wait for sometime until all pending request will not get confirmed.  F
  • Now Scroll down and make sure all request are accepted. In case their is a See more option then click on it.F 
Accept all facebook friend request see more button
  • Again run the same script in console to accept request of pending request F .
  • Follow the same process until all the request will not get accepted F.    
Accept or confirm all facebook friend request script run
I hope you like this trick to accept all pending friends request F

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