Google Adsense Applying Best Guidelines 2015

Ik Media group Ltd

  • G How to Get AdSebse Approbation for My Site?
  • G Why My AdSense Applications are Getting Rejected?

To be G Honest Personally I tried to find Answer of these question , But there is no direct answer I found. But by G Analyzing the history of Adsense Application Approbation I can tell you some G points. By working on which you can...G

  • G Avoid Getting Your AdSense Application Rejection.
G And Also...
  • G Increase the Chance of Getting AdSense Approbation.
Earlier G I had published a complete post on G AdSense Site Content Policy.  And today I'm gonna discuss the points which will give you a complete guidelines before applying to G AdSense. And I hope this guidelines will sure help your AdSense Application Approved.G 
To Avoid AdSense Application Rejection:G 

  • G Read Google Policies:  G This is one of the most concerning point, I meant one of the most important point to concentrate. G Basically Google consider a site for AdSense according to its policies. G So, G like the preparation for the exam. G take time to read the Google Policies carefully and make sure your site/blog follows the rules.G 
  • G Have Sufficient Content:G  One of the necessary AdSense requirement is having good and sufficient content. Make sure that your site has sufficient content,G  so that they can have enough to review.G   Also make sure the contents are neat, professional and grammaticallyG   correct, so that they con't get the excuse to reject your application.G 
  • G Have Pleasing Design:G  Unnecessarily colored and unmatched design, which can be unpleasing for the visitors can G be point of excuse to not approving your G AdSense application. So, you site/blog should have a good and G solid design which is comfortable to look at and G please for the visitors.G 
  • G Add Necessary Pages: G Your website should have About Us page having the basic G information G of your site/blog. Beside that it should have G Contact Page with proper contact information. so that Google can a way to contact you. If your G site/blog does not has thses pages then you are not well prepared to apply for AdSense.G 
G If your site/blog fulfilled the G above requirements, then you have done the basics. But still you are G required to add some more necessary items G  and follow some important procedures to increase your G chance. Although nothing is guaranteed, but there is no alternative then good preparation...G 
To Increase AdSense Approbation Chance:G 
  • G Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy is G one of the vital requirement of AdSense Approbation. The Privacy Policy describe to your visitors about they will find your site/blog and what they can or can not in your site/blog. Without having Privacy Policy, it is better not to apply for AdSense.
  •  G Contact Us Page: In this page you will have to put the Contact information like Your Mail ID or a Contact Form, so that readers can contact you regarding any issue they have on your site/blog. Have a Look my Contact Page
  • G About Us Page: In this page describe yourself  briefly and also put a short description of the site/blog. Actually this page G is like the introductory page of your efforts and it plays good role while apply for AdSense. Check this page About Us
  • G Verification of Email & Name: Make sure that you have putted your email and name in the About or Contact page, so that Google G can easily and quickly verify your identity.
  •  G Age Verification: It is always very important to be A truthful while you are gonna apply for AdSense. So, always provide the correct personal information - Your Name and G Date of Birth, otherwise you will not the approbation.
  • G Appropriate Design: An attractive, professional and easy to use G site/blog always ensure the comforts of the visitors. But you don't need to spend thousands of dollars to get a proper design. Just have a simple and easy to  G use design, it will be enough.G 
  • G Plenty of Posts: Although there is no G  minimum number of posts requirement to apply for AdSense. But try to have as G   many as numbers of posts (Minimum 100+ Posts is better) you can, it will increase the chance definitely. And make sure that posts are at least 500 words inG   length.
  • G Content Policy: The Site/Blog G having contents like - Pornography, Illegal items, G prescribing drug use and any unlawful items - will never get AdSense Approbation. Also the Posts having less than 200 words can decrease the chance. Read G  Complete post on AdSense Content Policy.
  • G Create Ads Value: Make sure that G your site's contents are creating real value for the visitors. Beside helping the visitors, it will also increase the chance G of AdSense Approbation by G impressing Google.G 
  • G  Have Top Level Domain:G  The AdSense Approbation history record says, Having top G level domain name like .Com increase the chance  G of getting AdSense Approval. Also try to keep the domain name as short as possible, related G  to the Site/Blog interest area, and easy to G remember. Make sure that your site/blog domain age is at least 6 months old.G 
These G are the points mentioned above are very important criteria or requirement before applying for AdSense. So,G  before applying for G AdSense make sure that your site/blog has fulfilled all these requirements, G so that you site/blog will be accepted.G 
Best wishes for those, who are going to apply for AdSense, G Hope this post will help you. If you  G have any question regarding this subject and if you don't understand any point in this post G , then don't G hesitate to leave your valuable comment.G 

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